Name: Mr. Lal Mohan Barua, Pali Name: Ven. Jnyanlongkar Mahathero
Father’s Name: Mr. Krishno Chandra Barua, Mother’s Name: Mrs. Jibon Bala Barua.
Date of Birth: 13 Chaitro, 1838 Bangla. Period of Supreme Patriarch: 1908 – 1927 years.
Village: Mahamuni Pahartholi, Upazila: Raozan, District: Chittagong.
Education and Monastic Life:
Mr. Lal Mohan Barua finished his primary education, when he was 10 years old became novice under the guidance of Most Ven. Chan Mahathero, (Raoli purohit). He learnt Pali and Burmese languages too. The King Manraja Bahadur appointed him as a “Rajguru” when he became monk (higher ordination) at Manikchadi Upazila. Ven. Jnanlongkar lived at Chandramuni Sebayet Temple long time then moved to Mahananda Sangharaj Bihar. He has established an association purpose of spread education name “Sangha Sammiloni” in 1871. He appointed as a Sangharaj in 1907 (Supreme Patriarch of Bangladesh). He had appointed as a supreme patriarch for 17 years (1910 to 1927). He has many disciples one of them prominent Ven. Dharmatilok (Nishichandro) Mahathero, who is a lord abbot of Shantidham Buddhist Monastery in Raozan.
Passed Away: His Holiness Sangharaj Most Ven. Jnyanlonkar Mahathero passed away on Sunday 22 Jyestho 1927, at 7.20 in the morning, 89 years old.