Name: Mr. Aungri Barua, Pali Name: Ven. Barojnyan Mahathero
Father’s Name: Mr. Nanua Barua, Mother’s Name: Mrs. Shisu Kumary Barua (Sukumary).
Date of Birth: 15 Magh 1865, Period of Supreme Patriarch: 1927 – 1936 years. Village: Gahira, Upazila: Raozan, District: Chittagong.
Education and Monastic Life:
Mr. Aungri Barua as usual passed the primary education and became novice under the guidance of Most Ven. Ram Moni Mahathero at Gahira. He received higher ordination, his pali name was Ven. Barojnyan Mahathero (Upasampada) in 1887. He lived 1st rain retreat (Vassa) at Abdullapur Buddhist Monastery, suddenly his preceptor Most Ven. Ram Moni Mahathero passd away, he moved to Gahira Buddhist Monastery. Then he passed his whole life in the village Gahira. For the propagation Buddhism he established a monk association name “Sangharaj Bhikkhu Mahamondal”, also created a fund for that association. He sent some student monk to get higher study in Burma and Srilanka by the patronize that association fund namely Ven. Dharmadhar Mahathero (Indian 1st Sangharaj), Deputy Sangharaj Ven. Gunalonkar Mahathero, Ven. Dhirananda Mahathero, Ven. Sumanachara Mahathero and so on. He appointed as a Sangharaj in 1927 (Supreme Patriarch of Bangladesh). He had appointed as a supreme patriarch for 9 years, also he achieved award “Shandhbaja”.
Passed Away: His Holiness Sangharaj Most Ven. Barojnyan Mahathero passed away at 8.00 in the evening, on 7 Chaitro, 1936.